Sugar Scrubs

Monday, January 4, 2010

Winter does a number on my skin, especially my hands and feet. I love using sugar scrubs to exfoliate, but they can be really expensive. I found a simple recipe from Care2 Make a Difference for a sugar scrub you can make with the ingredients in your pantry. The recipe makes quite a bit, so you can either store it in an airtight container for a few weeks or make a smaller batch.

Here it is:

1/2 cup sugar
Enough cold-pressed oil (olive, wheat germ, peanut, corn, or sunflower) to dampen the mixture

Gently massage this exfoliating scrub all over your body and face before you shower with a light soaping and rinse. Repeat once or twice a month.

That's it! Simple, huh? Care2 Make a Difference also has recipes for 4 other sugar scrubs. You can get as fancy as you want by adding essential oils, spices, and different varieties of sugars and oils.


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