Staples Rewards

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Last night I went to Staples and got some killer deals! Now until Saturday, January 16, Staples has several items that you can get for FREE! Let me explain. First of all, you have to be a member of Staples Rewards. This is not a credit card, only a savings card. It took me about a minute to sign up-name, address, email, phone number. There are several perks of being a member, including getting money back for some of your purchases.

This week, you can buy 1 of the following items, and Staples will reimburse you 100% of the cost (not including sales tax).

6/pk letter-size writing tablets-$7.99
6/pk Bankers Box letter/legal-size boxes-$9.99
Staples heavyweight file folder, manila, 50/box-$8.00
Staples #10 envelopes, pull and seal, 100pk-$7.99
Zebra Sarasa retractable gel pens, 5/pk-$3.99
Staples small binder clips, 40/box-$3.39

Here are the caveats:
1. Checks are mailed out monthly, and the clerk told me it might not come until the 3rd or 4th week of the month.
2. While the free items might be tempting, remember that the Staples Reward checks can only be used at Staples. If you frequently shop at Staples, this is not a problem. If you do not, then remember that whatever you spend up front on these items, is money that you will not be able to spend somewhere else.
3. You do have to pay sales tax, which is not refunded.
4. No cash/credit will be given if you bring these items back.

Last night I bought the writing tablets, gel pens, banker boxes, and envelopes. I decided to purchase these items because I had a gift card, so the money didn't really come out of my pocket and I would have had to use that money at Staples anyway. If you are interested, you can check out the Staples flyer here.


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