Little Steps to Save Big $$ on Your Energy Bill

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Last month, I was shocked to open up our electricity bill and find that it had gone up $50!!!! After I recovered from my surprise, I vowed to make some small changes to cut costs on energy.

What I did:
Unplugged my cell phone charger, toaster, and other gadgets when they weren't being used
Turned off my computer, printer, scanner, etc. over night.
Put my computer in "sleep" mode if I was done using it for the moment, but would be back within the hour
Kept the thermostat below 70 degrees
Turned off lights when not in the room
Washed most loads of laundry in cold water (I don't think it is sanitary to wash towels and underwear in cold water, but that is just me)
Opened the blinds during the day to let in natural light

The results:
My bill went down by $7.00. So, I did save money, but not as much as I had hoped. I called the power company to find out what was the biggest drain on energy: the dryer, the oven and cooktop, space heaters, electric hot water heater, basically anything that produces a substantial amount of heat. Although I didn't save as much money as I had hoped, a little is better than nothing, right?

For more energy saving ideas go here


Lil Bubbaz said...

If you connect all your minor appliances to a power strip, you can save yourself some time by just unplugging the power strip.

Angela Winterton said...

Great idea!

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